Category Expired Vacancies

Job Title: TB Program Manager

Location: Abuja Ref. No: TLMN/NTLCP (PMU)_2023/ TB_PM /001 Job Summary: The TB Program Manager will, with supervision from the PMU Team Lead and support from the Senior TB Advisor, manage all the technical aspects of implementation of the public sector TB Global fund (GF) grant.

Job Title: PSM Specialist – RSSH Grant

Location: Abuja Ref. No: TLMN/NTLCP (PMU)_2023/PS - RSSH/001 Job Summary: The Global Fund PSM Specialist position is to coordinate the Global Fund (GF) grant Health Products and Supply Management (HPSM) program in a manner to strengthen the national HPSM program by supporting Sub-Recipients (SRs) under the RSSH Grant in service delivery while eliminating program interruptions due to supply issues.

Job Title: M&E Specialist – RSSH Grantt

Location: Abuja Ref. No: TLMN/NTLCP (PMU)_2023/M&ES - RSSH/001 Job Summary: To support the M&E Manager to ensure accurate, timely and accurate reporting of programmatic information on the Global Fund RSSH Grant. He/she will provide technical support in collaboration with the National M&E Programme staff.